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Chute is a MapReduce Framework for PHP. It enables doing map reduce over iterators (Traversable) and pushes the decision for Hadoop out into the future.


Chute is installed with Composer.

$ composer require bernard/chute:~1.0

Simple Example

Everything starts with a MapReduce. The mapreducer binds a Mapper and Reducer together. It takes a Mapper and a Reducer as constructor arguments.

A Mapper takes an item of data and returns it as an array looking like array($key, $values). The key is used to group the different mapped values.

A Reducer gets two mapped values and it’s the job of the Reducer to merge them together and return a new value. It is important that the returned value have the same structure as the given values.

Putting it all together with a CallableMapper and CallableReducer we get the following:


use Chute\MapReduce;
use Chute\Mapper\CallableMapper;
use Chute\Reducer\CallableReducer;

$mapper = new CallableMapper(function ($item) {
  $isEven = $item % 2 === 0;

  return [$isEven ? 'even' : 'not_even', $item];

$reducer = new CallableReducer(function ($item, $previous) {
  return $item + $previous;

$mapReduce = new MapReduce($mapper, $reducer);
$resultSet = $mapReduce->run(new ArrayIterator([1, 2, 3, 4]));

The $resultSet will now contain two keys. A even and a not_even. Because the Reducer just added the values the result for even will be 6 which is 2 + 4 and the not_even key will be 4 which is 1 + 3.


Chute is developed mainly be these wonderful people. Or they have made a significant contribution.